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We have performance at the forefront of all our strategic systems that we create and approach strategy as a system of interconnected business functions that bring focus, direction and meaning to your organisation. Approaching  change and implementation as a system where all business functions are bought into the strategy will create the right environment for performance and ensure its success.  We create the right focus in the right environment with the right mix of people that will ensure successful  strategic performance.


Why do you need to improve? One word. Blackberry. Your competitors will be improving while leaving you behind. Improvement is at the heart of our strategic system. What does it take for people to improve? We need to measure performance within the strategy. To measure performance we need information and consequences. The flow of information comes from team feedback and management guidance. And consequences through holding people accountable whilst re-enforcing motivations. 


Attacking core processes. When performance factors and improvement factors are aligned we look closely at organisational factors. Processes, internal policies, organisational structure and infrastructure. Any misaligned organisational factors will cause the strategic system to fail. We ask how can we streamline line it, improve it, eliminate it, out-source it. We don't let competitors surpass you with more effective and efficient processes. We ask everyone in your organisation why will this strategy fail? 


Too many strategic plans focus on the 'us'. We balance 'us' with a customer centric strategic system. We ask, is there a perceived value gap between you and your competitors in the eyes of your customers? What do your customers want? How do they see you? Who are your competitors? Who are your emerging competitors? Satisfied customers can still leave you. The strategic systems we create ensure you don't forget to compete. 


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